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Discover all the frequently asked questions on

  1. FAQs about membership

    1. Can I choose if my membership renews automatically or not?
    2. What is the price guarantee?
    3. How do I cancel my paid membership?
    4. See all 7 articles »
  2. Using on mobile, tablet and desktop

    1. What's the difference between the mobile and desktop versions?
    2. Can I use the mobile version as a non-paying member?
  3. FAQs on how to manage your profile

    1. How do I change my profile information?
    2. Can I change my username?
    3. How do I delete my profile?
    4. See all 17 articles »
  4. FAQs on profile verification

    1. How can I verify my profile?
    2. Can anyone get a verified profile?
  5. Images Rules and Classifications

    1. What are the Image Rules and Classifications?
  6. FAQs on image activation

    1. What is photo activation?
    2. Who can activate photos?
    3. What do I get from activating photos?
    4. See all 10 articles »
  7. FAQs on the chat and video chat feature

    1. I want to start chatting, how do I join the chat rooms?
    2. Is my webcam automatically connected when I enter a room?
    3. Can I join more than one room at the same time?
    4. See all 11 articles »
  8. FAQs on the 18+ check feature

    1. How can I view adult (NSFW) content on
    2. What is the 18+ check?
    3. How does the 18+ check work?
    4. See all 5 articles »
  9. FAQs on how to deal with fake profiles and abusive members

    1. What are fakes?
    2. What do I do if I suspect a fake profile?
    3. I've received a spam message, what should I do?
    4. See all 6 articles »
  10. FAQs on the Speed Dating feature

    1. What is Speed Dating and how does it work?
    2. Is Speed Dating free to use?
    3. How do I contact someone that has sent me a 'flirt'?
    4. See all 5 articles »
  11. FAQs on how to manage your privacy settings

    1. Managing your privacy settings
    2. Using your Message Filter
  12. FAQs on how to manage your email notifications

    1. How to manage your email notifications
  13. FAQ's about personal ads

    1. Is there a limit to the amount of personal ads?